GTN Materials Search

We are testing a new search experience. It does not do semantic ranking of results, but it's maybe a nicer and faster interface. In the future we might bring back the ranking of results. If you wish to access the old search interface, it will remain available here.

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Identifier Type Title Topic Level Length
purlGTN:F00331 FAQs Could I use a different p-adj value for filtering differentially expressed genes?
TBA Slides Introduction to Synthetic Biology
Synthetic Biology
TBA Slides Galaxy from a developer point of view
Development in Galaxy
TBA Slides Introduction to Muon Spectroscopy
Materials Science
purlGTN:S00070 Slides Essential genes detection with Transposon insertion sequencing
bacteriatnseqessential genes
Genome Annotation 7H
TBA Slides Introducción al análisis de datos de scRNA-seq
Single Cell 30m
TBA Slides Una breve introducción a Galaxy
Introduction to Galaxy Analyses
TBA Slides Una introducción al análisis de datos scRNA-seq
Single Cell Intermediate 30m
TBA Slides Una Breve Introducción a Galaxy
Introduction to Galaxy Analyses
TBA Hands-on Query an annotated mobile genetic element database to identify and annotate genetic elements (e.g. plasmids) in metagenomics data
Microbiome Introductory 1H
TBA Hands-on Pulsar usage on SURF Research Cloud
Galaxy Server administration Introductory 30m
TBA Hands-on Adding file-sources to Galaxy
Galaxy Server administration 15m
TBA Hands-on Galaxy usage on SURF Research Cloud
Galaxy Server administration Introductory 30m
TBA Hands-on Cleaning GBIF data using OpenRefine
Ecology 0h45m
TBA Hands-on Data submission using ENA upload Tool
Ecology 2h
TBA Hands-on Overview of the Galaxy OMERO-suite - Upload images and metadata in OMERO using Galaxy
Imaging Intermediate 1H
purlGTN:T00260 Hands-on PAPAA PI3K_OG: PanCancer Aberrant Pathway Activity Analysis
Machine learningPan-cancercancer biomarkersoncogenes and tumor suppressor genes
Statistics and machine learning 1H30M
TBA Hands-on Neoantigen 6: Predicting HLA Binding
Proteomics 3H
TBA Hands-on Neoantigen 7: IEDB binding PepQuery Validated Neopeptides
Proteomics 3H
TBA Hands-on Neoantigen 3: Database merge and FragPipe discovery
Proteomics 3H
TBA Hands-on Neoantigen 5: Variant Annotation
Proteomics 3H
TBA Hands-on Neoantigen 2: Non-normal-Database-Generation
Proteomics 3H
TBA Hands-on Neoantigen 4: PepQuery2 Verification
Proteomics 3H
TBA Hands-on Neoantigen 1: Fusion-Database-Generation
Proteomics 2H
purlGTN:T00300 Hands-on 3: RNA-seq genes to pathways
Transcriptomics 2h
purlGTN:T00298 Hands-on 2: RNA-seq counts to genes
Transcriptomics 2h
purlGTN:T00401 Hands-on Identification of AMR genes in an assembled bacterial genome
Genome Annotation Introductory 2h
purlGTN:T00171 Hands-on CRISPR screen analysis
genome editingCRISPRessential genescell line
Genome Annotation 2H
purlGTN:T00179 Hands-on Essential genes detection with Transposon insertion sequencing
bacteriatnseqessential genesmicrogalaxy
Genome Annotation 7H
purlGTN:T00189 Hands-on From peaks to genes
Introduction to Galaxy Analyses Introductory 3H
TBA Hands-on Creating community content
Galaxy Community Building 30M
TBA Hands-on Filtrado, representación y exploración de secuenciación de ARN de células únicas
Single Cell Advanced 3H
TBA Hands-on Generación de una matriz de datos de secuenciación de ARN de células únicas utilizando Alevin
Single Cell Advanced 3H
TBA Hands-on Generación de una matriz de datos de secuenciación de ARN de células únicas utilizando Alevin
Single Cell Advanced 3H
TBA Hands-on Breve introducción a Galaxy - en español
Introduction to Galaxy Analyses Introductory 30m
TBA Hands-on Production d'indicateurs champs de bloc
Ecology 1H
purlGTN:F00230 FAQs Why do we only consider highly variable genes?
Single Cell
purlGTN:W00111 Workflow Galaxy Introduction Peaks2Genes - Part 1
Introduction to Galaxy Analyses
purlGTN:W00100 Workflow Essential genes detection with Transposon insertion sequencing
Genome Annotation
TBA Workflow WF2_Discovery-Workflow
TBA Workflow WF1_Database_Generation_Workflow
TBA Workflow WF4_Quantitation_Workflow
TBA Workflow WF5_Data_Interpretation_Worklow
TBA Workflow Metagenomics assembly tutorial workflow
TBA Workflow workflow-generate-dataset-for-assembly-tutorial
TBA Workflow Data management in Medicinal Chemistry workflow
FAIR Data, Workflows, and Research
TBA Workflow GTN Tutorial: Data manipulation Olympics - all steps and exercises
Foundations of Data Science
purlGTN:W00249 Workflow RNA Seq Genes To Pathways (imported from uploaded file)
purlGTN:W00248 Workflow RNA Seq Counts To Genes